According to Perez, Britney is all over the place, and no one really knows quite where she is.
First she was in Manhatten. No wait, then she was in Mexico. No, she was in Baja, CA. Now, apparently, she's back home in LA.
She's a real-life Where's Waldo (complete with pink wig).
My advice? Stop jet-setting for publicity, and focus on your upcoming court date about your CHILDREN!!!! Apparently, K-Fed wants her to be court ordered to not see the kids til April. But what's four months when you're busy frequenting the Starbucks of the country with an unattractive, womanizing Papparazzo?
Check out my Bible: www.perezhilton.com!
PS: Do you think Britney's current song on her iPod is "Addiction" by Kanye? Perhaps.
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