Saturday, May 10, 2008

Example of Why I Should Stop Drinking #2

Drunk texting with co-worker.
3:05 am

Ms. Cynic: Still up?
Co-worker: Always
MC: haha Allison is dragging me from the bar
CW: haha, what u do? :)
MC: Um shes taking me home?
CW: Thats no fun
MC: Um I cant drive
CW: Understandable, but if u could... :)
MC: Well i mean i legally shouldnt drive...
CW: *some kind of evil devil smiley face*
CW: I can drive just nowhere 2 go, just chilln after the keg
MC: ...?
CW: And that was me grinning evily 4 u driving "legally"
MC: being facetious (the best part is the word "facetious" is in my search bar for on my browser)
CW: 4 being drunk u use big wrds... :)
MC: I mean...sorry for having for having a large vocab...english teacher...
CW: Its coo u can use words with more than 2 sylables in a sentence and b cute
MC: I would hope so considering that means im not an idiot

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