Thursday, August 14, 2008


So Carmen motivated me to remind everyone that I am in fact still alive.

So, yes, I am alive.

Today was the second day of school. It's actually going pretty well. I'm a little overwhelmed, but that is to be expected. I already heard a girl today say she didn't like me. Yes! That means I am doing my job. haha.

Well, I am really busy, but I'll be back soon!


CarmenSinCity said...

Oh yay! I'm glad you blogged! I didn't want to have to take you off my links - ha ha.

So, what grade are you teaching? HOw funny that you heard a chick talking shit about you already.

Don't let it get to you girl and welcome back to blog land!!

Ms. Cynic said...

I am teaching 10th and 11th grade general English.

I only dislike one of my classes so far--ha!