Saturday, June 23, 2007

I mean, seriously?

I remember in Junior Honors English in high school, we were reading The Grapes of Wrath. My teacher asked how a box of Cracker Jacks relates to the story. I gave this fantastic metaphor about with Cracker Jacks, you have four options:

1) You eat and eat and eat until finally your hard work is paid off with the special prize.
2) You don't like Cracker Jacks, but you eat them anyway to get the special prize.
3) You cheat and throw the Cracker Jacks away just to get to the special prize.
4) You don't like Cracker Jacks, and who cares about the special prize?

Suck was with the story. The Joad family could have worded hard for a better life despite obstacles, or they could have given up.

Isn't that fabulous?

"No, that's not right."


That was freaking brilliant!

You want to know what she said?

"Cracker Jacks are sweet, and so if life."

What the hell?

A third grader could have come up with that! Anything could apply to it:

"M&Ms are sweet, and so is life."

"Honeysuckles are sweet, and so is life."

"Surfing is sweet, dude! And so is life."

I mean, seriously, what the hell?

What the hell, Mrs. Gooch?

What the hell?

"The secret of teaching is to appear to have known all your life what you learned this afternoon."
---John Skow


The Ambiguous Blob said...

Cracker Jacks are gross and the prizes are worthless.
So, in keeping with the comparison to life, it could be said that: Cracker Jacks are a shitty journey to an end that really blows. And so is life.

Ms. Cynic said...

I love it.