Wednesday, February 27, 2008

moment you'd swear I was blonde #1

So I was driving around last night with the BFF (best friend forever, for those of you who aren't hip) last night, and she started singing, "One is the loneliest number..." This made me think of a movie, so I asked, "Have you seen Mongolia?"

"No, what is it about?"

"Well, let me see if I can starts off talking about all these interesting/freaky stories about things that were supposed to be coincidence...I mean, I really don't remember. Then, I think it starts playing the song you were singing with a montage, which includes Tom Cruise as a motivational speaker urging his audience to RESPECT THE PENIS...or something like tha-----"

"Wait, are you talking about MAGNOLIA???"



The Ambiguous Blob said...

I read Mongolia and thought "magnolia", so I'm totally with you there.
Also, I think that movie is when Tom became a total freak.

Ms. Cynic said...

Actually, I think he says the "c"word, but I will be more PG. :O)

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